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Comments on: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking, Respects Human Life’ A Research and Educational Organization that engages the cultural issues of the day within the Orthodox Christian Tradition Fri, 27 Jan 2017 22:56:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fr. Hans Jacobse Fri, 27 Jan 2017 22:56:14 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Sarah, be reasonable. No one would sacrifice the life of the mother and to say otherwise is disingenuous. It precisely because pro-lifers value life that this distinction is readily and easily drawn. Pro-choicers, the ideologues in particular and not necessarily the fellow travelers who are morally confused, would have trouble drawing this distinction because it does not really exist if the unborn child has no value. (Not implying you think this way.) As a result, when they focus on this difficult moral dilemma alone, it is only to divert and deflect attention from how rare it really is.

Secondly, two clarifications…

Potential is a function of being, not the other way around. A unborn child’s potentiality is not what makes it human. Rather, it has human potential because it first a human being.

Viability is not a medical or scientific cocncept, merely a legal one (and flawed one at that because the line of viability keeps moving closer to conception as technology improves). No organism is viable outside of its natural environment. The womb is the natural environment of the unborn child and if left unmolested will grow to occupy a new environment after gestation is complete.

By: Sarah Wed, 25 Jan 2017 12:21:41 +0000 As a Christian who truly desires children after marriage–one day, if I get that sacrament–and has a uterus, I always thought that in the rare instances where an abortion would protect my life, I would hope my physician doesn’t throw his hands up in the air and claim my death as, “an act of God,” because he refused to touch the fetus. Look up severe preeclampsia. If that is refractory to medical control, the only treatment is to deliver the child via C-Section, and if it is early in the pregnancy, that fetus dies as it cannot survive. Or if I had an ectopic pregnancy–in the tube that will burst the Fallopian tube causing hemorrhage and possible infertility–since the fetus can never survive, I would prefer hormonal pills to terminate the pregnancy while avoiding such a complication. (Note: no child can emerge from an ectopic pregnancy. The fetus dies well before viability, which is 22 weeks).

Also, I wish we lived in a world where rape murder war and crime were never present, but in such a fallen world, the only fate I could think as worse than rape–which to me is worse than death–is to be forced to carry the rapist’s progeny. In such an instance, I view abortion as a way to salvage the woman’s psychology. It takes a strong saint to keep such a pregnancy, but it is not a burden most women can handle. We would want to forget the rape–but for nine months of having his action grow inside you–would make anyone feel dirty. The woman didn’t chose to have sex, so I don’t believe she should be forced to deal with the consequences of rape. That would be taking her choice away twice. I’m a fan of personal accountability. If it must be a sin, let it fall on the head of the rapist, his double crime.

I thought of the fetus as a potential person, and that only under special circumstances, the life of an already person should be given more priority. Needless to say, I wanted to reconcile this with the Christian faith, but I basically saw condemnation and throwing women under the bus as an inferior life to the fetus, as even if the fetus is killing her, who cares about us, right? So I looked into Judaism–Jesus was Jewish–and found it to be a much more rational explanation. It talks about the sanctity of potential life–not claiming the fetus is a full person yet–and offered exceptions in the case of detriment to the mother, with her life at stake, or rape victims. It’s a case by case basis, as it should be.

By: Phanar Ecumenist Kallistos Ware to Speak at Monophysite-Coptic Feminist Conferences | NFTU Tue, 04 Aug 2015 22:54:21 +0000 […] not all of this should be surprising, as the Phanar has been known for its position on abortion and population […]

By: Pat. Bartholomew: Christmas Enyclical Affirms Unborn Life and Traditonal Marriage Wed, 25 Dec 2013 03:19:14 +0000 […] of the unborn life reached no deeper than the shallow logic employed by abortion activists (see: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking, Respects Human Life’) where an ethic of human life according to the moral tradition was never properly formulated. […]

By: The Progressive Captivity of Orthodox Churches in America - News | Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:19:19 +0000 […] States today. Take for example Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s statement on abortion (see: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking Respects Human Rights’). He leads the largest, by far, Orthodox jurisdiction in America, the Greek Orthodox. Here the […]

By: Commentary: The Progressive Captivity of Orthodox Churches in America | Acton PowerBlog Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:03:14 +0000 […] States today. Take for example Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s statement on abortion (see: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking Respects Human Rights’). He leads the largest, by far, Orthodox jurisdiction in America, the Greek Orthodox. Here the […]

By: Jacobse: The Progressive Captivity of Orthodox Churches in America - AOI Observer Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:12:10 +0000 […] States today. Take for example Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s statement on abortion (see: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking Respects Human Rights’). He leads the largest, by far, Orthodox jurisdiction in America, the Greek Orthodox. Here the […]

By: SVS Poverty Conference Challenges Progressive Economic Ideas - AOI Observer Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:17:59 +0000 […] leads to all sorts of mischief — from distorting the teachings of the moral tradition (see: A Patriarch who ‘Generally Speaking, Respects Human Life’), to lending the imprimatur of Orthodox moral authority to marginal groups like the National […]

By: Roman Catholic Bishop Orders Priests to Read Anti-Obama Letter at Sunday Sermons - AOI Observer Thu, 01 Nov 2012 21:52:34 +0000 […] some ways (and we are), but sometimes that fluidity just hides a breakdown of serious thought (see: A patriarch who ‘generally speaking, respects human life’ for example) or moral cowardice, both of which end up affirming the ideologies that war against human value and […]

By: Patriarch Bartholomew - slander? - Christian Forums Sat, 20 Oct 2012 13:29:10 +0000 […] I am not trying to present controversy here. I love the Orthodox Church and have been attending Divine Liturgy for a long time now and seeking God's direction.(I feel that I have to preface what I say because of my catholic icon). I will defend both churches if put in a corner. But from the research I have done, these statements seem to be true. I can't judge the spirit in which it was said, but I believe that the author of the article that I cited below, gives a good explanation of why the Patriarch should have expounded more on his statement. He is the Patriarch after all and what he says has ramifications for the Church, the lay people, our youth. No, you can't judge the person who has an abortion, but you can judge the act and the effect it has on the unborn. There are a lot of holes in the Patriarch's statement that I am glad that Mr. Couretas addressed, as well as others have. A patriarch who 'generally speaking, respects human life' – AOI Observer […]

By: Seminary Pro Life Group Gears Up for Busy Year - AOI Observer Thu, 20 Sep 2012 01:35:38 +0000 […] worry. Their reasoning is flaccid, rising no higher than the shibboleths of popular culture (see: A patriarch who ‘generally speaking, respects human life’). A particularly egregious quote: Do not expect from a patriarch orders or prohibitions about how […]

By: The Assembly of Bishops and the Devil in the Details - AOI Observer Fri, 14 Sep 2012 13:07:45 +0000 […] The abortion statement ties the defense of innocent life to a generalized notion of “welfare for every citizen.” Knowing some of the internal debates over this question, I recognize the logic. It’s a restatement of Roman Catholic Cardinal Bernadin’s “Seamless Garment” doctrine and while true on its face, it is used to blunt criticism of an increasingly ambivalence towards the moral tradition in Greek Orthodox ranks (see: A patriarch who ‘generally speaking, respects human life’. […]

By: Catholic Politicians Who Attack Church Should Remember God’s Judgment | Blog Tue, 14 Feb 2012 18:35:22 +0000 […] Related articles: Senators Sarbanes and Snowe Betray the Moral Heritage of the Orthodox Christian Faith A patriarch who ‘generally speaking, respects human life’ […]

By: Catholic Politicians Who Attack Church Should Remember God’s Judgment - AOI Observer Tue, 14 Feb 2012 14:23:25 +0000 […] Related articles: Senators Sarbanes and Snowe Betray the Moral Heritage of the Orthodox Christian Faith A patriarch who ‘generally speaking, respects human life’ […]

By: Chris Sat, 13 Nov 2010 15:23:30 +0000 I think that it’s important that Fr. George pointed out that, clearly, the Orthodox Church is in direct opposition to abortion. The Church covers everything, She covers us. Thank you Father for your leadership!

Quite frankly, if we make this a jurisdictional thing, we miss the boat. I don’t care what jurisdiction people are in. I do care, however, that millions upon millions of the unborn are being ripped from our mother’s womb and we’re putting moral emphasis on other issues that are important, yes, but nothing compared to infanticide.

Why else is it important? Because it makes it ever so more obvious that there are many within the Orthodox Church who do not teach this stance on abortion/infanticide. What is even more unfortunate is that it is the some of our more “visible” faithful and leaders in our Church who have forgotten this teaching; who support politicians that are blatantly pro-death, OR are politicians who are pro-death themselves! I for one will not vote for them even if they wear the Orthodox banner.

Leadership is required on this issue. And these folks need to be addressed, perhaps not called out or embarrassed – but I think we could ask them to forego one speech on global warming or on why Obama is the best and talk about abortion?
